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Re: blocking dialups

The entity claiming to be torben fjerdingstad wrote...
> On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 01:07:49PM +0100, Mark Lowes wrote:
> > The entity claiming to be torben fjerdingstad wrote...
> > > At this moment I see most UBE coming directly from dialup
> > > accounts.
> > 
> > Agreed, though I'm in the middle of playing whack-a-mole with Stanford
> > and Boston Uni's and open relays on their sites (they are acting but
> > they've got a lot of machines to cover.)
> I wonder how many years it will take for them to expire from all
> blocking lists in the world.

Probably longer than they would like but not as long as some blackhole
maintainers would like.

> > Not so sure about this, why is it up to the ISP to dictate how their
> > customers send email?  Personally I really dislike the idea, what ISPs
> I don't consider it dictate. Any ordinary dialup customers must be
> interested in getting rid of his outgoing mail as fast as
> possible, which is done by delivering it to the ISP's mail host
> and let it do the hard work with slow and deferred transfers.
> That way the customers save phone costs and time.

Assuming he trusts his ISP to relay out the mails properly and in a
reasonable time.

> > > The problem: How can I know when those ip's get allocated
> > > for something else?
> > 
> > http://www.erols.com/aburner/dialups.html
> Nice, but not very complete. Thanks. It does not solve the
> problem that I have to remember at regular intervals to check
> that those ip's still are used for dialups.

I've been using it on a private mail server for a while now and it
does seem to catch a lot of the c$ and UU dialup spams.  Which do seem
to be the primary sources of this type of spam.  No list is ever going
to be perfect ;:-/


Mark Lowes hamster@localhost			http://hamster.wibble.org/
Wibble.org					http://www.wibble.org/
Lspace.org					http://www.lspace.org/

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