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FYI: O'Reilly publish book on spam...

This is probably of interest to the members of this working group...

John Dockery at O'Reilly & Associates writes:
| I'm sending this email to you because I believe 
| the people who read your mailing list would be interesting 
| in knowing about our new title, Stopping Spam.
| Most of the book is geared toward end users.  There are three
| chapters on what ISPs can do to decrease spam.
| Complete info on this title can be found at: 
| http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/spam/
| The famous O'Reilly cover animal on this book is a hog. ;-}
| We have a new website relating to anti-spam issues at:
| http://stopspam.oreilly.com   There are interviews, stories,
| and tips relating to spam on this site.


| Sincerely,
| John Dockery
| PS:  This is a honest offer from a real person
| representing a real company to a person who 
| is interested in this subject matter.  It is not spam.

Disclaimer: I haven't yet seen the book so can't make any comments on its


----- ___                       - James Aldridge, Senior Network Engineer,
---- /    /   /  ___  ____ _/_ -- EUnet Communications Services BV
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- Singel 540, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, NL
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-                           ----- 24hr emergency number: +31 20 421 0865

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