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Response to address mining report

This morning, lists on LISTSERV.HEANET.IE were address-mined by a user
of FREEMAIL.C3.HU. What follows is the response received from the

Dave Wilson,
HEAnet Limited.

-------- Original Message --------
From: "Andras Tudos - Computronic, C3" <andras.tudos@localhost
Subject: Re: Address mining from LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
To: Dave Wilson davew@localhost
CC: pisti@localhost, noc@localhost

Dear Mr. Wilson,

freemail.c3.hu is a Hungarian free email service (similar to Hotmail),
which allows anyone to open an email account without human control. We
cannot investigate or sanction the mail activity of our users, even if
are involved in actions which are against the netiquette. (We could
their account, but they will open another immediatelly.) Please
this and please consider turning off the review function of your
(since anyone from anywhere could do the same what our freemail user


Andras Tudos
C3, Budapest

At 11:46 9/21/98 +0100, Dave Wilson wrote:
>Dear Mr. Tudos,
>Apologies for mailing you out of the blue, but I wanted to inform you of
>an address mining incident involving LISTSERV.HEANET.IE that appeared to
>originate from FREEMAIL.C3.HU. I found your address in the RIPE database
>for C3.HU and
>Starting 10:48 UTC+1 today (21 Sep), and continuing until I shut down
>the listserv at 11:01, a number of requests were received to SUBSCRIBE,
>REVIEW and UNSUBSCRIBE from lists on LISTSERV.HEANET.IE. These requests
>originated from the address "kada@localhost", with the name "Valaki
>Valami", and originated from the mail realy fm1.c3.hu.
>They were all sent in quick succession. In the 13 minutes, thirty-six
>lists on this server were reviewed for subscriber's addresses.
>Presumably, these addresses will be used in future for spam.
>I would appreciate if you could investigate the above incident, and if
>possible, advise me of the action taken. I have full logs from sendmail
>and Listserv, which I'd be glad to send to you if you wish.
>Best regards,
>Dave Wilson,
>Senior Network Engineer,
>HEAnet Limited.

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