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Re: Getting open smtp servers fixed

Sorry to be negative - if there were simple, solutions...

    >c) filter out all port 25 tcp connections from dialup...

First of all I dislike the idea since it violates the end-to-end
principle that once made the Internet Be The Internet. Possibly I
could be talked/forced into changing my mind (i.e. ISPs do as
always, ignore negative comments),  b u t:

Assume for a second that I do use dialup and IPsec... Encrypted
packets, not even TCP header is readable. Oooops. And no ISP can
refuse my the right to make my IP secure???


>From: Richard Kettlewell richard@localhost
>Date: Fri, 11 Sep 98 14:27:55 +0100 (BST)
>Message-Id: <Pine.Just.Say.No.cR-ilr6HP3@localhost>
>Subject: Re: Getting open smtp servers fixed

>> What are the defenses?
>> a) Make spam illegal, so that the penalty is a little bit higher than a
>>    cancelled subsription.  But we have to be careful with what we wish
>>    for -- someone's free speech will very much look like someone else's
>>    spam.
>> b) use "artificial intelligence" software to detect spam before it reaches
>>    the user's mailbox.

>c) filter out all port 25 tcp connections from dialup customers unless
>   they are to yoru smarthost(s).

>The spammer can still use the smarthost (much as if they were using an
>open relay, of course) but you by forcing all the mail through a
>single point the ISP can more easily detect the spammer early on.

>Legitimate customers shouldn't mind being constrained to route all
>their mail via your smarthost.  Nonetheless some ISPs might very well
>feel unable to implement this strategy for whatever reason.


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