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Re: Getting open smtp servers fixed

On Sep 11,  3:30pm, Herman Van Uytven wrote:
> >3) if the message comes from an "unusual" sender (someone from which
> >user has not received mail before), check for key words such as "free
> There you got a point.  Do not receive mail from a "new" correspondent.
> The problem is when two new correspondents want to start talking
> to each other.  A will block B, and B will block A.

Well, you have to be a little bit careful to not "throw the baby with the
bathwater."  I do personnally receive, almost every day, some very
legitimate messages from people that I have never met before -- for
example, someone asking for clarification on a text I wrote.  I would hate
a system that prevents legitimate people from communicating...

Christian Huitema

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