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Re: Getting open smtp servers fixed


Corneliu Tanasa wrote:
> I don't want to ofense you, but you don't understand, or you're too much
> involved in this.  I don't know exactly what statistics said, but in my
> servers, more that 75% of the blocked spam is originated by users of the
> ISPs with laxed anti-spam policies, not by open relays.  This is the
> problem.  When I'm receiving reports that one of my users is spammer,
> I'm simply closing his account.  Others don't.

Most spams that I receive do not come directly from the "real account", 
but are relayed over some open mail relay.

It's important to stop spam at the source, but that is a lot easier if
you know that they won't be able to relay it over some unsuspecting relay 
host somewhere in the world.

(For example: what good is it if I close my SMTP port for SMTP connections
coming from UUnet customers if they send their junk over your mailer 

Open third-party relays make tracing and stopping spam a lot harder, and
should be closed.  The sooner the better.  The more noise is made about
open relays, the better.

(I am in no way associated with ORBS or MAPS, but I welcome their
approach.  Too many ISPs are just too lazy to care -- so start getting
on their nerves, until they start acting.  I'm not sure about you -
why do you complain instead of spending your time explaining your
customers to fix their security holes?)

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
SpaceNet GmbH             Mail: netmaster@localhost
Frankfurter Ring 193a     Tel : +49-89-32356-0
80807 Muenchen            Fax : +49-89-32356-299

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