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Re: Getting open smtp servers fixed


Corneliu Tanasa wrote:
> I think that the best way, should be to add a machine on the block list
> only if it was used for spamming and you've heard nothing from the
> administrator after notifying him about the incident.  

You want to stop the spamming *before* it happens. Afterwards, it doesn't
matter -- the spammer will go away and find another "one-shot" host.  

If you don't take preventive measures, the spamming will never stop, 
because new hosts (with open relays) are connected to the Internet every 

Gert Doering
        -- NetMaster
SpaceNet GmbH             Mail: netmaster@localhost
Frankfurter Ring 193a     Tel : +49-89-32356-0
80807 Muenchen            Fax : +49-89-32356-299

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