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Re: Anti-spam Working Group

Hi Corneliu,

> I agree.  Also, you could add to your spam relay list .kr and .mx and
> also UU.NET.  Do you suggest to cut UUNET (however I will agree :-) ) ? 
> I've sent lots of messages to UUnet, asking them to stop the spammers, 
> but it was like shooting in the dark: no answer and no action !!!
in this context, I want to point out the difference between UUNET USA and 
UUNET in other countries.
At UUNET Germany we have a strong anti-spam-policy in place and we do react if 
one of our customers does send spam. (Anybody else is not allowed to use our 
mailserver as mailrelay.) That's why I hope no one is going to block our 
domain de.uu.net.
Please don't mix de.uu.net with da.uu.net, which is the domain of the 
dialup-customers in USA. As far as I know, UUNET USA is beware of the problem 
and tries to solve it.


					UUNET Deutschland GmbH
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