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Re: Anti-spam Working Group

Gunnar Lindberg wrote:

I agree.  Also, you could add to your spam relay list .kr and .mx and
also UU.NET.  Do you suggest to cut UUNET (however I will agree :-) ) ? 
I've sent lots of messages to UUnet, asking them to stop the spammers, 
but it was like shooting in the dark: no answer and no action !!!

Corneliu Tanasa

> It seems like an increasing number of spam Mail Relay now uses hosts
> in Spain (.es), most often Sun with native/naive sendmail. Using RIPE
> whois-info doesn't seem to get through, at least there is no response.
> If this list happens to contain .es ISPs it would be highly appreciated
> if you spread the Do Not Relay info to customers (and competitors) by
> whatever means have the best effect.
>     http://www.sendmail.org/
>     http://www.sendmail.org/antispam.html
>         Gunnar Lindberg, Chalmers University of Technology
> PS
>     On at least one occasion I've seen spam with a forged but existing
>     From first being Relayed through a .es site, after which the Sys-
>     admin at the Relay complained about the innocent From sending spam.
>     In fact that's as near to "enough" that you can ever get.
>     I guess none of you ISPs will like the idea, but maybe there
>     should be like a Sysadmin's Internet Drivers License required
>     before a site is actually allowed to connect - some Netiquette,
>     something about security, something about logs/alerts.
>                                                                     DS

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