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RE: Server(s) Needed (fwd)

Probably not. But, as was pointed out at the last Amstedam meeting,
they may prepare to break the contract with their ISP (seems to be
Sprint btw). Given most of the potential recipients are in the US -
and given the US Legal System - it may be better to make people there
do whatever needs to be done.

Maybe this is the perfect intial task for the "Abuse Coordination
Centre" that RIPE is/was going to set up.

Regardless, if we just do nothing because "it's not illegal here,
and may not even be illegal there" there will be lots of abuse for
The Centre to coordinate...

My 0.01 ECU worth,


>From: John Martin martin@localhost
>Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 11:50:29 +0200
>To: Gunnar Lindberg lindberg@localhost, anti-spam@localhost,
>        holemans@localhost
>Message-Id: <v0311070bb16ca8155366@[]>
>Subject: RE:  Server(s) Needed (fwd)

>At 10:54 am +0200 29/4/98, Gunnar Lindberg wrote:
>>The IETF itself isn't really involved in the legal process but there
>>are individuals on both those lists that are. Hopefully they know.

>(I know I'm going to regret asking but...)

>Are they actually asking for anything illegal?


>John Martin
>TERENA, Singel 466-468, NL - 1017 AW Amsterdam
>phone:  +31 20 530 4488 **
>fax:    +31 20 530 4499 **

>** Please note new telephone and fax numbers

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