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Proposed Charter for Anti-Spam WG - DRAFT

Dear Colleagues,

I attach my first attempt at a charter for the new working group. I would
very much welcome your input. Let me make it clear right now that due to
time constraints and other issues, I am not proposing myself to chair this
group though I do hope to be an active participant. However, I plan to be
in Stockholm on Tuesday p.m. and all day Wednesday so I am happy to present
this to the plenary for a decision.

I copied the format from the tld-wg "terms of reference".

I think that there are changes needed and, in particular, I need some help on:

1. A one-sentance definition of SPAM for the "Aim" section. (I dont like the
   one I've written myself.) Gunnar - have you something for this - or can I
   plagarise your draft for something? :-)

2. Is the sentance about abuse of "relays" too specific? Should it be left
   (This probably depends on the above sentance.)

3. Some help on the "European Centre for Network Abuse" paragraph. [Yes, Erik,
   this means *you* since it was your idea in the first place ;-> ]

4. I think it would also be appropriate to add a sentance about why this WG is
   not tackling technical issues and perhaps a stricter definition of its

5. We need a stricter and better-defined workplan - with real dates.

Please send comments on this draft directly to the list anti-spam@localhost.




Proposed Charter for new RIPE WG [insert catchy name here]

1.   Aim

The problem of "spam"  on the internet is well known to almost all
users. Its use (abuse) is increasing and in many cases it can
cause severe technical and operational problems to network
operators and users; in particular those hosts which are target as
email "relays".

Since technical measures to combat this network abuse have not
been widely deployed, it was proposed at a recent BoF session on
the subject at RIPE 29 to form a Working Group which would aim to
tackle the problem from two non-technical angles:

*  To develop a "Code of Conduct" to which ISPs might agree to
   adhere. It is forseen that this document might be used as a
   sign that a signing party will make efforts to ensure that
   their customers are not responsible for abuse of the network
   respurces of others.

*  To make a recommendation as to the feasibility and usefulness
   of a "European Centre for Network Abuse".  This centre would
   not handle individual abuse complaints, but try to get
   something done if ISPs can't settle things regarding abuse
   complaints themselves (for instane an ISP does not cooperate
   in abuse-complaints matters). The Centre could also help with
   deployment of technical solutions and might pre-empt
   governmental regualtion through the perception of a degree of
   "self governance" within the European ISP community.

2.   Who can participate
The work of this group will be carried out principally by email.
It is proposed to meet at the RIPE meetings in order to finalize
any documents. Participation in RIPE working Groups is open to
all. To join, send a message to majordomo@localhost containing the
text: subscribe anti-spam.

3.   Workplan
This charter should be presented for approval at RIPE 30. If
approved at the plenary, a Working Group would be formed with the
nominated convenor. This working group would be expected to work
on the two issues in parallel and would aim to have at least some
draft documents ready for discussion at RIPE 31.

4.   References

[ref. for minutes of the BoF]

Information on spam / anti-spam tools can be found at:


John Martin
TERENA, Singel 466-468, NL - 1017 AW Amsterdam
phone:  +31 20 530 4488 **
fax:    +31 20 530 4499 **

** Please note new telephone and fax numbers

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