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RE: Server(s) Needed (fwd)

Unless you consider a positive repsone :-) I would suggest you forward
their invitation mail to one or two IETF lists:

    ietf-run@localhost	The RUN group's list
    ietf@localhost			The general IETF list

The IETF itself isn't really involved in the legal process but there
are individuals on both those lists that are. Hopefully they know.

	Gunnar Lindberg

	This site is no longer in service.

    ... at least one could hope so ...

    telnet max2001bulkisp.com smtp
    220 beta.258.com ESMTP Sendmail 8.8.7/8.8.7 ...
    A(www.258.com) = A(www.max2001bulkisp.com)

    Another CyberPromo?

>From owner-anti-spam@localhost  Wed Apr 29 07:52:40 1998
>Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 07:51:48 +0200 (MET DST)
>From: "Wim.Holemans" holemans@localhost
>To: anti-spam@localhost
>Subject: RE:  Server(s) Needed (fwd)
>Message-Id: <Pine.GSO.3.96.980429074908.15949C-100000@localhost>

>Just to inform you i received this spam mail today : someone is willing to
>pay me money if i want to give access to my servers for bulk mail
>purposes. If SPAM is illegal in the US, is this request also illegal ?

>Wim Holemans                            phone + 32 3 820 22 03
>Network/System manager                  fax   + 32 3 820 22 44
>U.I.A.                         e-mail : wim.holemans@localhost
>University of Antwerp Belgium  http://www.uia.ua.ac.be/u/holemans

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Received: from infonews.co.th by hnets.uia.ac.be; (8.8.8/
>	id BAA06922; Wed, 29 Apr 1998 01:49:01 +0200 (MET DST)
>Received: from default by infonews.co.th (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4)
>	id GAA15427; Wed, 29 Apr 1998 06:50:44 -0700
>From: server@localhost
>Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 06:50:44 -0700
>Message-Id: <199804291350.GAA15427@localhost
>To: holemans@localhost
>Subject: RE:  Server(s) Needed
>Content-Type: text
>Content-Length: 758


>If you or someone you know has an available email server we are interested
>in renting it by the month. 

>The server must be located outside of the United States and must strip all
>incoming headers. 

>The server will be used for Bulk Emailing Purposes.

>We will pay $500 United States Dollars per month of use per server.  We
>must be assured that the server will not be shut down for any reason. 
>Additionally, we must have full telnet access to setting up accounts on
>the server. 

>If you do not have such a server yourself please let us know of someone
>who does.  We will pay a finders fee to you if we use a system that you
>refer us to. 
>Please email us back at:    server@localhost

>Email us back today with your information.

>Thank you.

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