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[address-policy-wg] 2006-02 New Draft Document Published (IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy)
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Filiz Yilmaz
filiz at
Thu May 3 14:00:14 CEST 2007
PDP Number: 2006-02 IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy Dear Colleagues We have published a draft document for the proposal described in 2006-02. This proposal is to change the IPv6 Initial Allocation criteria and the End Site definition in the "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy". You can find the full proposal at: and the draft document at: We encourage you to read the draft document text and send any comments to address-policy-wg at before 31 May 2007. Regards Filiz Yilmaz RIPE NCC Policy Development Officer
- Previous message (by thread): [address-policy-wg] [ncc-announce] New E-Learning Module: Using PGP and X509 to Protect MNTNER Objects
- Next message (by thread): [address-policy-wg] 2006-02 New Draft Document Published (IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy)
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