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Quantum Internet Hackathon

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Thank you for your interest in the Quantum Internet hackathon! 

The event is planned for 13-14. October 2018, in Amsterdam, in Volkshotel, the weekend before RIPE77 meeting

Deadline for applications was 11th September.

We are keeping the applications open, but you will be placed on the waiting list. 

Find out more about the event in this RIPE Labs article

If you are logged-in with RIPE NCC Access account, your name and email address will be pre-filled.
If you are logged-in with RIPE NCC Access account, your name and email address will be pre-filled.
Tell us why would you like to participate in the hackathon, what would you like to achieve, and what you can contribute. (max 500 words)
Please give us info about any previous work you've done that is relevant for this hackathon: this can include links to projects, code, or additional interests that can be useful for the jury to make a decision, or to your fellow participants when creating teams. (max 500 words)
Please let us know if you require special assistance, a visa for Holland, or have special dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, allergies...).
There is limited funding available for applicants from the "least developed countries", those working for not-for-profits, those from usually under-represented groups at hackathons and those with previous contributions to free and open-source software and projects. Please use the next field to justify your request.
Please explain why do you need travel grant.