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Green Tech Hackathon 2024

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Thank you for your interest in the Green Tech Hackathon 2024!

The Green Tech Hackathon will take place on 10-11 December 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 

Important Dates and Applications Deadlines

  • end-August: Applications open
  • 30 September: Early bird deadline 
  • 30 November: Last minute deadline
  • 10-11 December: Hackathon 

For more information, please read the Labs article. 

Your Information

If you log in with your RIPE NCC SSO Account, your RIPE NCC Access Profile data will be pre-filled.
If you log in with your RIPE NCC SSO Account, your RIPE NCC Access Profile data will be pre-filled.
We aim to improve the gender balance at this hackathon compared to similar events. This field is optional.

Hackathon Related Information

Please tell us about yourself so the organisers can make a selection based on a mix of skills, backgrounds and experiences. 

If "Other", please specify your skills below.
If you have chosen "other", please let us know what are you relevant specific skills.
All levels of experience welcome. This field is optional.
Tell us why you would like to participate in the hackathon, what would you like to achieve, and what you can contribute. Please include information about any previous work you have done that is relevant to this hackathon. You can also include links to code repositories, projects, interests etc. This information will be used by the organisers to make a decision on whether you will be accepted as a participant.
Is there a project that you would like to work on at this hackathon? Something that you are perhaps already working on, or an idea that you are passionate about? Please include a description and any links. Are you part of a team that is applying together? Please specify that here. (Maximum 250 words)
This information will be shared with your fellow participants to help us create teams ahead of the event. You can include information that you have already provided (motivation, projects, code, interests) or anything else you would like to mention. If you do not want us to share this information, please leave the field empty. (Maximum 500 words)

Hackathon Logistics

Please let us know if you will be present in Amsterdam, or on-line.
If you have chosen "Other", please specify: in the Local Hub, "it depends", on the train, "will decide later"or any other option.
Do you need funding for travel? Would you need this to attend? Usually we do not provide travel expenses but if we receive sponsorship we will see what we can do. To be legible, you must explain why you would need the expenses covered and apply BEFORE the first deadline, so that we have time to consider your request. We will NOT pay for flights - only train travel.
Do you have any access or support requirements you would like to make us aware of? Or dietary requirements? (Food allergies or any dietary restrictions).