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Networking at CAPIF 3

In the peering world, peering agreements are often made through handshakes at meetings and by networking at events. CAPIF 3 helps you network more efficiently with your fellow attendees by providing space to set up peering bilateral meetings and sharing peering personals.

Peering Personals

At the end of every session, peering coordinators will have an opportunity to provide a brief introduction with the audience. The introduction should cover details of your AS Numbers, where you peer, peering policy, contact information, and explain why other participants should peer with you.

Download the template and upload your slides on the Peering Personals webpage.

Peering Bilateral Meetings

CAPIF 3 provides the opportunity to strengthen and build new peering relationships with the 200 plus attendees during the event. There is a dedicated one-hour long slot during CAPIF 3 for peering bilateral meetings.

Download the CAPIF 3 Networking App

Create an account and download the official networking app - Swapcard. You will first need to register and make an account.

Official Networking App

You can use Swapcard, the official networking app for CAPIF 3 to reach out to other attendees and book bilateral meetings.

The networking app will allow you to:

  • Share your profile with other networking app users
  • View other attendees who are using the app
  • Send direct messages to scheduled bilateral meetings
  • List slots during which you are available for meetings
  • View when others are free to meet
  • Use the app in Russian and in English