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News and Announcements

  • About / News
    RIPE NCC Access: Security Breach Investigation

    The RIPE NCC is investigating an incident in which a RIPE NCC Access account was compromised.

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  • About / News
    Office Opening Hours January 2024

    Our offices are closed on Monday, 1 January 2024.

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  • About / News
    Activity Plan and Budget 2024 Published

    The final version of the Activity Plan and Budget 2024 has been published after approval by the Board and input from the membership. The document outlines the work we will undertake in the coming year, the associated costs for each activity and the executive summary provides an overview of activitie

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  • About / News
    Office Opening Hours December 2023

    The RIPE NCC office in Amsterdam will be closed on 25-26 December 2023 and on 1 January 2024.

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  • About / News
    Member Update: December 2023

    1. Registry LIR StatsHandling LIR Closure RequestsInvoices and Billing Details RIPE NCC Services for Legacy Internet Resources Agreement (Legacy Agreement)Does the Internet Route Around Damage? - Edition 20232. Community and EngagementRIPE 87The RIPE Chair Team Reports - Highlights from RIPE 87NRO N

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  • About / News
    NRO NC November 2023 Election Results

    An election to fill one seat on the NRO NC took place during RIPE 87 from 27 November - 1 December 2023.

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  • About / News
    RIPE NCC General Meeting November 2023

    The RIPE NCC General Meeting was held from 29 November - 1 December 2023.

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  • About / News
    Randy Bush Receives Rob Blokzijl Award

    Randy Bush has been awarded the 2023 Rob Blokzijl Award for his contribution to the Internet.

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  • About / News
    Member Update: November 2023

    1. Registry  LIR Stats The RIPE NCC Registry 2024 Handling LIR Closure Requests Decommissioning Recognised IPv4 Transfer Brokers List and IPv4 Transfer Listing Service Who's Waiting on the IPv4 Waiting List? Address Policy Working Group Session 2. Community and Engagement RIPE 87 Get Certified at RI

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  • About / News
    Decommissioning Recognised IPv4 Transfer Brokers List and IPv4 Transfer Listing Service

    At its meeting on 23 October 2023, the RIPE NCC Executive Board resolved to decommission the Recognised IPv4 Transfer Brokers List and the IPv4 Transfer Listing Service.

    NewsItem ipv4 news ripe ncc services transfers