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Re: Choosing a TTS

 Dear Benoit,

 you wrote:
> Date: Fri, 4 Nov 1994 11:42:03 +0100
> From: Benoit Grange <Benoit.Grange@localhost
> Message-Id: <199411041042.LAA08595@localhost>
> To: Schmitz@localhost
>, noc@localhost, fr-domain-admin@localhost
> Subject: Choosing a TTS
> We at NIC France are very interested by this discussion.
> We are thinking about setting up a TTS. I started experimenting gnats,
> but it need some changes to fit our needs. It also has some little
> quirks. Can you make your patches to gnats available to all of us ?
 I will do. However, it needs a little time to compile them (I can do it
 next week...)
> Our main question is: Do we buy a 'ready to use, commercial' TTS or do
> we take some time to customise/fix/improve a freeware one. That's an
> important issue for us, because we have little free time to do this.
> (A time versus money problem).
 This is difficult to tell. With Gnats you must put some work into it
 but it is comparatively easy when you keep the TT form unchanged. If
 you want to change the form...(better not).
 Most 'ready to use, commercial' TTS are easy to install but:
 - Normally they come with a complete database system (or you need one).
   You must nor forget that a database system also must be maintained.
   There are some which need less work but nonetheless besides the TTS
   also the database system must be kept going
 - After you have set up the TTS it is not yet up and running. You must
   think about which possible user groups do what (access restrictions
   among others, end users?, network administrators?, internally within
   your organisation), who shall have which kind of access, define all that,
   provide appropriate ticket forms... not any easy task after all.
 On the other hand you may get support from the company selling the TTS
 to you (however, the support often does not include maintenance of the
 database system).
 Try to get test versions of the TTS you are interested in and have some
 test runs with them. Only thru this way you will find out what is best
 for you.
> Do some organisation of the list already use a TTS. If you do, can you
> report the name of the product, and your feeling about it ?
 Gnats it is (as stated before), used by DFN-NOC
 Best regards


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