Re: [mat-wg] suggestions for atlas service


On 2011.05.05. 10:34, Edoardo Martelli wrote:
> Hi
> Here are my few suggestions for Atlas service
> Suggestion1:
> It would be nice to have groups of Atlas probes which make measurement
> against them? A requirment may be to have public ip addresses assigned
> to the probes and you may suggest all the necessary firewall openings to
> make them reachable.
> If possible, it would also be nice to have an area in your portal to see
> only those probes.

It's possible to do this, however, hearing folks speaking at the mike at the
measurements BoF, it may not be the most efficient solution. You probably
want stable, high-bandwidth destinations instead (TTM boxes can be such).

> Suggestion2:
> It would be nice to have the possibility to set alarms or threshold
> associated to given probes, so to have the Atlas portal send warning email.

Yes, this indeed sounds attractive. We already have plans for other types of
notifications (like probes being down for some reason). The devil is in the
details though: what are the thresholds for such a service, how easy and
flexible is it to configure, how to filter out the noise so that you don't
get spammed about every change, etc. But we'll surely investigate!

> Sugestion3:
> Send weekly or monthly reports by email about the stats collected by
> selected probes.

Can yo explain what you'd like to see in such a report, what would be useful
to see?


> cheers
> Edoardo