Re: [mat-wg] RIPE NCC Measurements for World IPv6 Day

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your feedback, comments inline

On 11/05/2011 13:20, Richard L. Barnes wrote:
> Hey Mir,
> This is really good stuff, especially the one-way 6to4 measurments.
> Couple of comments:
> -- Are you collecting stats on the eye chart itself?  That is, does
> the page send back information to RIPE on which sites worked from a
> given IP address?  Those numbers could be a good metric of relative
> brokenness, by source address or by website, since you'll have a
> sample where the user visits *all* of the participating sites
> (admittedly on a small sample).

Yes, we are thinking of collecting stats. When interpreting these one
has to take into account that the population visiting this eyechart is
probably going to be very biased ( has a similar issue),
and likely not a good representation of the population of end-users on
the Internet.

> -- Again on the eye chart, it seems like it could be useful to put
> some simple summary statistics at the top: -- What percentage of
> sites you reached successfully -- What percentage of successes were
> over IPv6 vs IPv4 -- How you compare to other users (see above)

Yes, time permitting we'll do that.

> -- For the 6to4 measurements, would it be possible to get some probes
> running on a more or less continuous basis, then set up an RRD graph
> to see how things move over time (kind of like on the ATLAS page)?

Our current idea is to monitor this before, during and a little after
World IPv6 Day, and see if we see any trends. So it is on a more or less
continuous basis. If we find interesting things, that might be a reason
to keep it running for longer of course.

> Thanks to the NCC for your work on this, --Richard
> On May 11, 2011, at 5:24 AM, Mirjam Kuehne wrote:
>> [apologies for duplicates]
>> Dear colleagues,
>> Please find on RIPE Labs a description of the measurements the RIPE
>> NCC is doing prior to and on World IPv6 Day:
This is an extended version of the presentation Emile Aben gave in the
MAT-WG at RIPE62. Feedback received at the meeting, has been incorporated.
>> Please also note the call for participation for each of the
>> measurements described in the article.
>> If you have any other feedback or questions, please do not hesitate
>> to contact us at labs@localhost.
>> Kind Regards, Mirjam Kuehne RIPE NCC