Re: [mat-wg] Comments on RIPEstat
To: Richard L. Barnes rbarnes@localhost
From: Devin Bayer dbayer@localhost
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 10:40:31 +0100
Cc: mat-wg@localhost
On Mar 22, 2011, at 12:24, Richard L. Barnes wrote:
> -- As I said on the call, it's not really clear right now what the purpose is
> of the "Query" link. I guess it could help me understand, but it would be
> extra useful to be able to tweak and re-query. Maybe this could show a text
> box with a "Re-query" button?
Hi Richard -
We are trying to expose the flexible plugin architecture we are developing
which generates the boxes in RIPEstat. For now, you can only experiment with
the query parameters by editing the "link" URLs, but we hope this is enough to
generate some interest.
I personally think this will develop into a richer interface than just an
editable text box with a re-query button, but it hasn't been designed yet.
Devin Bayer
Software Engineer
Information Services