Re: Charter review


I think this is a good and useful step. While the Test Traffic Project is extremely useful, I don't think that it is the only item of interest as regards to Internet measurements. As you've mentioned, the community has influenced the group to widen its remit and I think changing the charter (without obviously muscling in on the territory of NCC Services) is a fair way to reflect this.

As to the name, MAT-WG seems grand.

Thanks for putting the work in on all of this.



Ian.Meikle@localhost wrote:

One agenda item for Lisbon is to review the charter for the TT-WG. Our
suggested wording is below:

The purpose of the working group is to provide a forum in which the
RIPE NCC and the community can collaborate in the areas of data, tools
and analysis relating to the Internet and its infrastructure, with a
loose focus on monitoring, diagnosis, analysis and forecasting. It is
not the purpose of the working group to compare the performance of
networks for marketing purposes.

We recognise that the recent WG session content has reacted to participant
demand by moving beyond the existing charter to include topics outside of
the RIPE NCC Test Traffic Measurements. This demonstrates that there is a
clear demand within the community for a place to discuss technical
innovations in measurements, tools and analysis. The intent is to widen the
scope of the working group so that we can accomodate such discussions as
well as retaining a natural home for the NCC team to report on their

 This move away from a strict focus on Test Traffic means that
we will have to change the name of the working group. Our 'working title'
is MAT-WG, where MAT is an acronym for Measurement, Analysis, Tools, and we
welcome your comments on this, or alternative suggestions.

Ian and Henk
TT-WG Chairs