Re: Draft agenda for RIPE58

Hi Henk,

I have attached to this letter our presentation.

Sincerely,  Andrei Sukhov

21.04.09, 12:02, "Henk Uijterwaal" henk@localhost:

> Dear Colleagues,
> The TT-WG will meet at RIPE58 on Friday morning, 9:00-10:30.  The current
> agenda is:
> 1. Administrativia (5')
> 2. TTM status update from the RIPE NCC (Ruben van Staveren, 10')
> 3. Measuring Bandwidth/Andrei Shukov (15')
> 4. TNO IPv6 monitoring presentation and discussion (15')
>     Follow-up from presentation at the plenary.
> 5. Doubletree/Tony McGregor (20')
>     A brief introduction to double-tree, an optimisation technique for
>     systems that have a multiple probes probing to multiple destinations.
>     The technique (which is not my work) is presented in
> 6. DAR/Tony McGregor (15')
>     DAR (Diverse Aspect Resource) is a project to investigate the
>     feasibility of building an active measurement system with the ability
>     to support in the order of 100,000 nodes.  The probes are expected to
>     be small (cheap) "token" computers.
> 7. AOB
> Comments, questions?  Please let us know!
> If you are listed as a speaker, then please send us your slides by Thursday
> lunchtime, in order to be able to upload them for remote participants.
> Note that all slots include a few minutes for Q&A at the end.
> Ian & Henk
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Henk Uijterwaal                           Email: henk.uijterwaal(at)
> RIPE Network Coordination Centre
> P.O.Box 10096          Singel 258         Phone: +31.20.5354414
> 1001 EB Amsterdam      1016 AB Amsterdam  Fax: +31.20.5354445
> The Netherlands        The Netherlands    Mobile: +31.6.55861746
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Belgium: an unsolvable problem, discussed in endless meetings, with no
>           hope for a solution, where everybody still lives happily.

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