Re: [Fwd: RIPE 55: TTM WG Minutes]

Henk Uijterwaal wrote:
Dear All,

Please find below the draft minutes of the TT-WG at RIPE 55.  Comments
to me please,

There have been no comments, so these minutes are now final.  Kind regards,

Actually, there was a comment, we'll fix that.




= = = = =

RIPE Meeting: 55
Working Group: Test Traffic
Status: Draft
Revision Number: 1
Content to the Chair of the Working Group.
Format to webmaster@localhost.

Co-Chairs Alex Tudor and Henk Uijterwaal
Scribe Fergal Cunningham
Jabber Tiziana Refice

A. Administrative Matters
Henk Uijterwaal chaired the meeting. He explained that minutes from RIPE
54 were posted and proposed that they stay open for a week so people can
see them.

B. Selection of New Working Group Chair
Henk explained that Alex Tudor was unable to attend RIPE 55. This
situation is unlikely to change so a new Chair is needed. Henk asked
that anyone interested in taking on the position sends him a mail, and
if no one volunteers he will actively seek candidates.

C. TTM future - Mark Dranse (RIPE NCC)
Mark Dranse reported on the RIPE NCC's ideas on the future of TTM (Part
II). He reported on what has happened since the last meeting, RIPE 54,
and where the RIPE NCC plans to go from there.

The vision is the same as it was for RIPE 54:
• To expand and maintain the TTM network
• To increase the value of the service to the community at large, and to
the owners of the probes
• To enhance network and measurement architecture
• To improve result reporting and TTM network alarms
• To improve admin and pricing

Mark went into further detail on the five key points of the vision.

He also went into detail on the proposed pricing model and asked if
anyone had questions. He explained that consensus would be sought before
the plan is implemented.

He also encouraged feedback on all RIPE NCC Information Services.


Will Hargrave (LONAP) asked that, when replacing hardware, there won't
be a need to replace the GSP antennae on roofs so are these going to be
replaced with the rest of the hardware?

Mark responded that the replacement of the hardware only applies to the
server. If the GPS antenna works properly it should be left there.

Brian Nisbet (HEAnet) commented that IPv6 multicast has been mentioned
on the mailing lists and that he was very interested in when this will

Mark responded that a later presentation will cover multicast. IPv6 is
already enabled across the entire network.

Niall O’Reilly (University College Dublin) asked what the timescale for
a new sales packaging is? He continued that he wants a test-box but
doesn’t want to do paperwork before it all changes.

Mark responded that when consensus is reached, a new sales package will
be implemented. New contracts for new users will be phased in.

Henk asked if a new service contract was updated yet?
Mark responded that contract has not yet been updated.

Henk asked the group if there were any objections to the scheme?

There were no objections. Henk said he would now circulate this message
of consensus on the TT WG mailing list.

D. Status of the TTM Service – Ruben van Staveren (RIPE NCC)
Ruben reported on the status of the TTM network.

There were no questions.

E. Using TTM to Monitor AMS-IX – Geert Nijpels (AMS-IX)

Geert reported on the use of the TTM box at AMS-IX. This was an update
of a presentation given two years ago on the status of the box.

There were no questions.

F. Multicast Monitoring Status Report – Franz Schwarzinger (RIPE NCC)
Franz gave an update on the status of the multicast monitoring on RIPE
NCC test-boxes. The presentation updated reports given in the previous
two RIPE Meetings. Franz asked for people with a test-box to e-mail
tt-ops@localhost if they wanted to activate monitoring for IPv6.

There were no questions.

Z. A.O.B.

Ruben presented a slide on IPv6 not being compatible with global
warming. Packet losses were found to be averted by the installation of a
cooling box.

Henk asked if there was any other business. There were none. The session

Henk Uijterwaal                           Email: henk.uijterwaal(at)
RIPE Network Coordination Centre
P.O.Box 10096          Singel 258         Phone: +31.20.5354414
1001 EB Amsterdam      1016 AB Amsterdam  Fax: +31.20.5354445
The Netherlands        The Netherlands    Mobile: +31.6.55861746

Is one of the choices leaving the office open?
                                      Alan Greenspan on the next elections