Agenda for TT-WG @ RIPE53

Dear All,

The TT-WG will meet in 2 weeks time at RIPE 53, on Wednesday afternoon
at 16:00.  The agenda so-far is:

Agenda for the TT-WG @ RIPE 53

1. Administrative (5")
   a. Chair
   b. Scribe
   c. Agenda Bash
   d. Approve RIPE52 minutes

2. Consumer Broadband Monitoring, a proof of concept (Luca Deri) (20")

   Abstract: The CBM project focuses on measuring performance for
   consumer broadband networks. In order to demonstrate the project
   feasibility and identify new requirements and technical issues, a
   prototype has been implemented. This presentation describes the
   design of prototype and the design choices necessary for satisfying
   the project constraints while using home broadband devices. The
   result is a distributed monitoring platform implemented in low-cost
   devices, open to measurement extensions and not tight to a specific
   hardware and software platform. Finally a live demonstration of the
   prototype will be shown.

3. Work on the Multicast Proposal (Franz Schwarzinger) (10")

4. TSC Clock work (To be confirmed) (5")

5. TTM Future TF, status & discussion (Andrei/Henk) (20")

6. AOB

If there is anything else that you like to discuss, please let the
chairs know,

Alex & Henk

Henk Uijterwaal                           Email: henk.uijterwaal(at)
RIPE Network Coordination Centre
P.O.Box 10096          Singel 258         Phone: +31.20.5354414
1001 EB Amsterdam      1016 AB Amsterdam  Fax: +31.20.5354445
The Netherlands        The Netherlands    Mobile: +31.6.55861746

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