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Publication using RIPE TTM by Thierry Rakotoarivelo

Dear Colleagues,

Thierry Rakotoarivelo send me a paper on "Enhancing QoS through Alternate
Path: An End-to-End Framework".  This paper uses (anonymized) TTM data and
hence has to be made available for peer review.

The paper can be found at:

  http://www.amsterdamned.org/~henk/thierry.zip  (1.6 Mb)
                                    thierry.pdf  (18 Mb)

Please send any comments you may have on this paper to the list, cc'ing
the author (thierry@localhost), before Monday October 4.


Henk Uijterwaal                           Email: henk.uijterwaal(at)ripe.net
RIPE Network Coordination Centre          http://www.amsterdamned.org/~henk
P.O.Box 10096          Singel 258         Phone: +31.20.5354414
1001 EB Amsterdam      1016 AB Amsterdam  Fax: +31.20.5354445
The Netherlands        The Netherlands    Mobile: +31.6.55861746

In a room with a window in the corner, I found truth.            (Ian Curtis)

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