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notes from ripe47

Dear All,

First, thank you to all those (you know who you are) who offered to share their experiences with TTM.

A little background first, for those who did not attend this time.

During our last meeting it became apparent that we could all use some help in understanding the TTM service. On one hand I noticed that there were a lot of curious new comers; on the other, that relatively few box owners were present. My conclusion was that things could be improved by doing two things: a) educating the curious and b) challenging the experienced.

In order to work on the first goal I had asked the present box owners, and am asking all of you now, to consider a brief hands-on presentation on:

- why did you buy your box? 
- what measures are you interested in and why?
- how you use your box? (i.e. daily, script integrated, etc.)
- what is missing? what would make it better value?

This would clearly benefit new comers and provide much needed feedback to the development team. The fact that people continue to buy the boxes tells me they are not strictly paperweights. Please help others and yourselves by coming forward with a presentation offer.

I understand that most of you do not attend all RIPE meetings and I am not necessarily expecting a RIPE48 presentation. It can be RIPE49 etc. or whenever you feel you are ready, if you are in the initial use investigation stage.

The second goal is a bit harder. I have been trying, with much support from my co-chair Henk Uijterwaal, to gather speakers whose work can stimulate discussion of how to improve TTM or show what may be possible. In the absence of feedback, I will continue to do so, but I feel you must be familiar with work that you'd like to hear more about. Then pray, tell me so! 

Feel free to write me offlist with your offer to present on the upcoming "Me and My TTM box" program, or discuss it here.



Alexander Tudor
Agilent Labs
3500 Deer Creek Rd. M/S 24M-A
Palo Alto, CA, 94303, USA 
(email)  atudor@localhost
(office) 650.485.2704
(telnet) T.485.2704
(fax)    650.485.6318

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