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Open source for TT

Hi TTers,
we are currently owner of a TT box. We are considreing the possibility to replicate this box ( hardware and software) in our domain.
Have you considered the case of opening the project to the public. This by no means that we are going to stop our subscription to Ripe TT service. We are very happy with this service. We consider the RIPE fee to cover the TT runing service.


Dimitrios K. Kalogeras

Electrical Engineer Ph.D.
Network Manager
NTUA/GR-Net Network Management Center
icq: 11887484
voice: +30-210-772 1863
fax: +30-210-772 1866
e-mail: D.Kalogeras@localhost
pub 1024D/F2A69A72 2002-12-13 Dimitrios Kalogeras <D.Kalogeras@localhost
Key fingerprint = 64C5 646D 8D33 A3FF 14D1 66C6 5127 54CC F2A6 9A72

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