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Draft minutes of the TT-WG meeting during RIPE46

Minutes of Test Traffic working group at RIPE46

Location: Amsterdam
Chair: Alex Tudor
Scribe: Maximo Alves and Ruben van Staveren

Slides of all talks except #5 are online at

Session 1
Date: Wednesday 3 September 2003
Time: 14.00 - 15.30

1, Opening by chair
   Chair asks for feedback on this session (is it useful, interesting,
   informative) and Ideas for next sessions ?)

1. TTM Status & Plans, Henk Uijterwaal, RIPE NCC
   Comment by Daniel Karrenberg: Old TTM data will only made public if the
    hosts agree.
   Henk: Any comments on AUP proposal on the floor ? [none]

2. ntop: Open Source Network Monitoring, Luca Deri deri@localhost,
   University of Pisa

   Q: The ntop box could be used for espionage purposes ?
   A: You may trust me or compile the code yourself

   Q: How easy would it to do  multi-tier ttm network with ntop boxes ?
   A: I don't want to turn it into active measurements, but if there is
      interest I might look into it

   Q: Is historical analysis possible ?
   A: ntop uses rrdtool, so information is lost but you can store it
      yourself using mysql

3. PingER, a lightweight active end to end network monitoring tool/project.
   Les Cottrel/SLAC (by phone, Henk operates slides)

Session 2
Date: Thursday 4 September 2003
Time: 09:00 - 10.30

4. Bandwidth measurement - Tools and results, Mark Santcroos, RIPE NCC

5. Matching IP addresses to AS's, using TTM, RIS and the RIPE DB,
   Rene Wilhelm, RIPE NCC

   Q: Some folks at AT&T are doing something similar. are you planing to
      catch up with them?
   A: I'll keep an eye on their work/progress, but don't think it's feasible
      for TTM, since we have to do the matching in a relatively short
      timeframe, kind of on the fly while processing ttm traceroutes.

6. DNSmon update, Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC

   Q: Is there something to see about anycast?
   A: Superficial observation shows it's getting more stable with less variance

   Q: If one increases the number of observed name servers what would be the
      impact on TTM measurements?
   A: We limit the number of servers we observe.

6. OpenSourcing TTM and third party API,
   Pim van Pelt, Business Internet Trends BV

7. The Ecosystem of Computer Networks, Silvia Veronese, Network Physics

Henk Uijterwaal                             Email: henk.uijterwaal@localhost
RIPE Network Coordination Centre            WWW: http://www.ripe.net/home/henk
P.O.Box 10096          Singel 258           Phone: +31.20.5354414
1001 EB Amsterdam      1016 AB Amsterdam    Fax: +31.20.5354445
The Netherlands        The Netherlands      Mobile: +31.6.55861746

That problem that we weren't having yesterday, is it better? (Big ISP NOC)

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