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Minutes and Slides from yesterday's meeting

Dear All,

Below you'll find the minutes from yesterdays meeting and pointers to the


Test Traffic Working Group Draft Minutes
Wednesday, Sept 11, 2002, 09:00-12:30
Chair:     Henk Uijterwaal
Scribe:    Olaf Kolkman
Attendees: +/- 30

A. Administrativia

  + Scribe
  + Attendance Sheets
  + Mailing lists:

    Note, Spam filters:
    Only mail from subscribes will get through, post of
    non-subscribers will not be seen by humans

  + Minutes from RIPE42 were approved.

B - TTM, Status and Plans (Henk Uijterwaal/RIPE NCC)

    Slides available on the RIPE Meeting Website

    No questions or comments.

C - TTM data analysis (Rene Wilhelm/RIPE NCC)

    Slides available on the RIPE Meeting Web site

    No questions

D - Bandwidth Measurement Update (Henk Uijterwaal/RIPE NCC)

    Slides available on the RIPE Meeting Web site

    Discussion with Emmanuel Tychon and Ruediger Volk.
      It's probably not possible to use IP options and work around the
      problem that causes routers to use a different process queue.
      The socket 'hack' will be needed.

E - Evaluate Network  Performance with CISCO Service Assurance Agent
    (Emmanuel Tychon/CISCO)

    Based on EOF tutorial Slides that are available from the web.

    Many of the slides where skipped. Focus on SAA functionality and

    Comments based on questions from audience:

      * Unsynchronized clocks are recognized by setting a 10%
        threshold, this assumes symmetric routing.

      * Numerous products available for graphical analysis of the

      *  No support for IPv6, no ETA for IPv6.

F - Topics for RIPE 44

     No topics solicited in the meeting. Topics are welcome on the
     mailing list.


     No other business.


Henk Uijterwaal                    Email: henk.uijterwaal@localhost
RIPE Network Coordination Centre     WWW: http://www.ripe.net/home/henk
Singel 258                         Phone: +31.20.5354414
1016 AB Amsterdam                    Fax: +31.20.5354445
The Netherlands                   Mobile: +31.6.55861746

That problem that we weren't having yesterday, is it better? (Big ISP NOC)

NOTE: My email address (and a hole in our mailing list software) is being
      abused by a spammer.  We are working on fixing this hole and tracking
      the spammer down.  If you receive mail from "henk@localhost" that is
      obviously spam, please send me a copy of the mail including ALL headers.
      I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.

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