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Test-boxes (forwarded)

(Forwarded, as the list does not accept non-member contributions).

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [ripe-ttraffic #21070] BOUNCE tt-wg@localhost:    Non-member submission
> from [ADAM Yann FTRD/DAC/LAN <yann.adam@localhost]
> Date: 26 Jun 2000 09:14:39 -0000
> From: owner-tt-wg@localhost
> To: tt-ops@localhost
> Good morning to all,
> I am not a newbye in the TTM project but there still have a few things
> remaining unclear for me related to the test boxes:
> 1) do RIPE-NCC Test Traffic Mesurement have a web site showing results to
> everybody (including non RIPE-NCC members ?), as they do in the Surveyor
> project ?
> 2) what are the metrics measured by the A-serie test boxes and what will be
> the metrics measured by the B ones ?
> 3) what type of access do owners have to their test boxes ? I read the paper
> called "How to access the data on your test-box" where it is said the 2
> types are by listening on a specific port (available) and copying the datas
> (not available). Is it still true ? Is there newer types of access ?
> Since I work for an ISP, I think these questions are important: how datas
> can be seen by externals, what type of access we have to the test-boxes (we
> must be able to retrieve informations in a short time in order to re-act
> properly)....
> Thanks,
> Yann ADAM

Henk Uijterwaal                    Email: henk.uijterwaal@localhost
RIPE Network Coordination Centre     WWW: http://www.ripe.net/home/henk
Singel 258                         Phone: +31.20.535-4414,  Fax -4445
1016 AB Amsterdam                   Home: +31.20.4195305
The Netherlands                   Mobile: +31.6.55861746  

A man can take a train and never reach his destination.
                                               (Kerouac, well before RFC2780).

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