removal of gated
Mark Santcroos marks at
Thu Jul 26 11:25:17 CEST 2001
Dear Test-Box operators, Since the start of the TTM project, testboxes have been equipped with the gated daemon. The gated daemon's main purpose is the dynamic configuration of the gateway address. For both technical and security reasons we would like to stop running it. As far as we know, none of the testboxes use this functionality as they all have their gateway address statically configured. However, to prevent errors or uncontrolled testboxes, we will keep it running for at least a month to give testbox operators the change to speak up. So if you have any arguments in favor of running gated, please let us know and we will consider them. You can send your reply either back to the list or to: tt-ops at Thank you in advance. With best regards, Mark -- Mark Santcroos RIPE Network Coordination Centre New Projects Group/TTM
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