new auth scheme for viewing TT data
Ana Susanj ana at
Fri Apr 20 12:10:57 CEST 2001
Hi all, As you know, the data on the TTM website is protected by a username/password combination which is valid for all TTM customers. Several TTM customers have asked for a more flexible way of accessing the TTM data. This has now been implemented and is ready for beta-testing. Under the new scheme, each TB host can create accounts for customers or people other than the TB-contact in their organization, that will allow them to see data to/from some of the test-boxes. The old style website, together with the generic ttraffic account will stay up until approximately end of June. Here is what's new: - each TTM box owner starts with a general account with a ttxy username - ttxy username can only view data to and from that ttxy box - ttxy username can add more usernames with either view or admin rights for that box, or both. These usernames can be given to customers of the site hosting the test-box or to people other than the test-box contact in the organisation hosting the test-box. AUP and copyright notice will appear on the website once the beta test is over. - ttxy can give admin or view rights to existing usernames, in case you want other TT box owners to view data to/from your box. - in the admin section you can change users' groups or delete them - each user can change their own password. If you want someone else's password changed, you have to ask one of RIPE NCC TT staff to do it. Same goes for users' real names. This is something that can be changed, depending on your input. - at the moment anyone can delete anyone, but this will be changed very soon so that every admin of a ttxy box can only delete other users who are only in that admin's group. Don't go around deleting usernames :) Note: - there's a file that lists locations of all TT boxes. Again, depending on the input we get, this could be displayed on the front page. - we have mainly concentrated on the functionality so please comment on that first. Once everything works as people want it to, we can make it look a bit nicer. OK. This is all on: Username and passwd are the same as the name of your TT box, e.g. if your test-box is tt01 then: username: tt01 ; passwd: tt01 (Please change it when you log in.) There is still the general account which lets you view data to/from all other boxes: username: ttraffic ; passwd: delays Help page is on: If you are interested in this feature, we would appreciate it if you could take some time to test it and provide feedback. We'd like to know whether this scheme gives you enough flexibility for assigning username/password combinations. Feedback and questions can be sent to <tt-ops at>. ana. -- ~ Ana Susanj, RIPE NCC ~ ~ Oh hello, Mr. Soul, I dropped by to pick up a reason; ~ NY
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