[spoofing-tf] Agenda for the 1st Meeting

RIPE IP Anti-Soofing Task Force

1st Meeting

Amsterdam, Wednesday Oct 4th 2006 17-1800


Version 1.1 
Tue Sep 26 14:47:23 CEST 2006

0. Opening (5 mins)

	- assign scribe
	- agenda bashing
	- send for missing presenters / authors ;-)

1. Report from the Chairs - (10 mins)

The chairs will report on work since the 0th meeting (BOF)
both on documents and cooperation with the MIT spoofer project.

2. Dsicussion of Documents (30 mins)

The following draft documents will be discussed. 
All drafts have been circulated on the mailing list.

	- RIPE Recommendation 
	- How-To 
	- Business Case 

Keeping the recommendation short and to the point will make it easier to
agree on it.  However some fear that it will remain ineffective without
a good explanation of the business case for implementing it.  The best
way forward appears to be a short and concise recommendation and a
separate business case document which could be revised if new
information becomes available.  The how-to needs work and volunteers 
to contribute text about methods and practical experiences. 

3. Work Plan (10 Mins)

The TF will agree on a work plan.  The current rough ideas by the chairs
are to finalise the Recommendation and Business Case documents by the
Tallinn meeting and have the Recommendation adopted at that meeting. 

In order to produce some momentum we could also to draft a "Tallinn
Declaration" in which ISPs pledge to abide by the recommendation. 
Together with a good business case document this should set things in

4. Infromational Items (5 Mins)

(These are items for information which are not part of the TF 
work but may be interest to participants.)

SAVA - http://narl.tsinghua.edu.cn/sava/
Mark Townsley (IETF Area Direcotr of the Internet Area) will give a 
heads up on this work and solicit input from the operational community.