[spoofing-tf] Spoofing-tf Progress report

Hi All

The first progress report from the Spoofing-tf:

3 tasks have been initiated in the previous week:

RIPE Recommendation Document
Editor/Author: Joao Damas
Chairperson responsible: Daniel Karrenberg
Plan: Short document referring to existing work.
Time: 1st draft by June 6th
Input needed: Please send any ideas/suggestions to Joao.

How-To and Experiences Document
Editor/Author: Fernando Garcia and Juan Pedro Cerezo
Volunteers: Rob Evans, Barry Greene
Chairperson responsible: Nina Bargisen
Plan: tbd
Time: tbd
Input needed: volunteer authors, experience reports, benefit reports.
Please contact Editors, Nina or the list with contributions 

Liaison with MIT Spoofer Project
Chairperson responsible: Daniel
Plan: make agreement about data acccess,
      publish baseline stats,
      start tool promotion
Time: agreement and first stats beginning of June
Input needed: fora and volunteers to promote tools when ready

We need more contact to vendors so if anybody can point us to relevant
at contacts other vendors than Cisco please let us know.


Daniel Karrenberg
Nina Bargisen