Re: [spoofing-tf] ANA Spoofer Project


Am 17.05.2006 um 15:05 schrieb Fergie:

grasp on just how statistically big the "spoofability" problem
is in the Internet:

Thanks, and looking forward to your responses.

Nice tool, although I doubt that the results gathered show reality - if you are able to run this tool you are usually sitting at a place where spoofing is not possible :-) Nevertheless, I think this TF is a good idea. With new players entering the market (in Germany cable TV operators) it is the right time to make them (and anyone else) aware of this problem.

best regards,

Wolfgang Tremmel

DE-CIX Management GmbH
Lindleystrasse 12, 60314 Frankfurt, Germany
Phone +49 69 4035 3733, Mobile +49 172 349 4833