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[see-regional] SEE 4 - Presentations and Videos Online
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seeurope at
Wed May 6 10:12:01 CEST 2015
Dear colleagues, The fourth South East Europe (SEE 4) RIPE NCC Regional Meeting took place from 21-22 April in Belgrade. The event had an excellent attendance of 235 people, including 134 from Serbia. It was also encouraging to see that many attendees from last year's SEE 3 Meeting in Sofia returned to attend the SEE 4 Meeting. We would like to thank all who helped to make this such a successful event, particularly meeting co-hosts SOX and RNIDS. ----------------------------------------------------- Missed a session? Presentations and videos are online ----------------------------------------------------- All presentations are online at: YouTube videos of all sessions are now available on the South East Europe Regional Meetings channel: ---------------- Next SEE Meeting ---------------- Join us for the next SEE Meeting from 19-20 April 2016 in Tirana. ---------------------------------------- RIPE Meeting coming to South East Europe ---------------------------------------- Mark your calendar for RIPE 71, which will take place in Bucharest on 16-20 November 2015. I hope to see many of you there! Best regards, Gergana -- Gergana Petrova Conference Coordinator RIPE Network Coordination Centre Singel 258, 1016 AB Amsterdam, The Netherlands T: +31 20 535 4444
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