just an FYI - don't panic
Marten Terpstra
Fri May 12 01:06:58 CEST 1995
cengiz at ISI.EDU (Cengiz Alaettinoglu) writes * * There is a way to do this with ripe-181 line continuations (at least * according to the documentation, the tools (i.e. dbupdate) may not * implement this correctly): The tools understand the documented continuation lines (at least the tools I have been involved with ;-) The idea is that you can break up the policy expression anywhere, just repeat the neighbors and weights and continue on the next line. * as-in: ... accept ASxxx AND NOT { 1, 2, 3 * as-in: ... accept , 4, 5} * * Note that ... must be identical on both lines. Indeed. -Marten * * urtis Villamizar (curtis at ans.net) on May 11: * > * > In message <199505111942.PAA25372 at lovefm.reston.mci.net>, Tony Bates write * s: * > > Curtis, * > > whay cant these lines be broken up with the current RIPE-181 * > > line wrap rules ? * > > * > > --Tony. * > * > Because * > * > ASxxx AND NOT { 1 2 3 4 5 } * > * > does not equal * > * > ASxxx AND NOT { 1 2 3 } * > ASxxx AND NOT { 4 5 } * > * > In other words: * > * > A AND NOT ( B OR C ) * > * > != * > * > ( A AND NOT B ) OR ( A AND NOT C ) * > * > for example: A = 1 2 3 4 5 * > B = 1 2 * > C = 3 * > * > A AND NOT ( B OR C ) -> 4 5 * > * > ( A AND NOT B ) -> 3 4 5 * > ( A AND NOT C ) -> 1 2 4 5 * > ( A AND NOT B ) OR ( A AND NOT C ) -> 1 2 3 4 5 * > * > Is that clear? * > * > The problem is in lists where ASxxx expands to a few thousand networks * > and there are perhaps a dozen legitimate exceptions (like DMZs) that * > get slightly different treatment. * > * > Curtis * * * Cengiz * * -- * Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute * (310) 822-1511 University of Southern California * http://www.isi.edu/div7/people/cengiz.home -------- Logged at Sat May 13 02:37:03 MET DST 1995 ---------
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