just an FYI - don't panic
Curtis Villamizar
Fri May 12 00:13:53 CEST 1995
In message <199505111942.PAA25372 at lovefm.reston.mci.net>, Tony Bates writes: > Curtis, > whay cant these lines be broken up with the current RIPE-181 > line wrap rules ? > > --Tony. Because ASxxx AND NOT { 1 2 3 4 5 } does not equal ASxxx AND NOT { 1 2 3 } ASxxx AND NOT { 4 5 } In other words: A AND NOT ( B OR C ) != ( A AND NOT B ) OR ( A AND NOT C ) for example: A = 1 2 3 4 5 B = 1 2 C = 3 A AND NOT ( B OR C ) -> 4 5 ( A AND NOT B ) -> 3 4 5 ( A AND NOT C ) -> 1 2 4 5 ( A AND NOT B ) OR ( A AND NOT C ) -> 1 2 3 4 5 Is that clear? The problem is in lists where ASxxx expands to a few thousand networks and there are perhaps a dozen legitimate exceptions (like DMZs) that get slightly different treatment. Curtis -------- Logged at Fri May 12 00:57:30 MET DST 1995 ---------
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