"whois -h tools at xxx.net" ?
Daniel Karrenberg
Tue Mar 28 14:00:46 CEST 1995
> "Dale S. Johnson" <dsj at merit.edu> writes: > 1) Does this service look useful to anyone else? Creeping featurism! > 2) Is there a clean way to tie this into the RIPE-distribution whoisd? > - Anything with a space in it ("aggis 35/8") is a special program? > [But some queries can potentially allow spaces, no?] No. whois daniel karrenberg is a perfectly legal query doing what you expect. > - Anything in a list of key names is a special program? > [But then this name space can overlap with, e.g., maintainer > or community names and cause conflicts] Not a good idea either. > - Anything sent to a totally separate whois server (whois -h > tools.XXXX.net) is a separate program. [Counter-intuitive; > folks will always be making mistakes]. [Or: make it > > finger "aggis 35/8"@finger.XXX.net > ?] Re-inventing rsh ...? > (Our version looks for the first token on /usr/local/whois.bin; if it > is there, run that as a program passing the rest of the string as > parameters). Namespace problem. > 3) Are folks willing to have the front-end of this be part of the > standard IRR software? I am not convinced. Daniel -------- Logged at Tue Mar 28 21:49:12 MET DST 1995 ---------
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