Databases Synchronization Proposal
Laurent Joncheray
Thu Mar 2 16:23:27 CET 1995
FYI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Proposal for a Simple Database Synchronization Model lpj. 03-02-95. Version 0.1 Object of this memo. Dissemination of the same data among Routing Registries Databases has raised the problem of the distribution and synchronization of the data in the different registries. Either Inter Registry propagation or intra registries copy (for backup purpose) is still an open problem. Right now synchronization of databases is done by daily FTP transfer of the whole database between registries. Database are synchronized only once a day (Desynchronization Delay of less than 24 hours). The current implementation of the Routing Registries Databases is based on e-mail updates ('RIPE database model') sent to one registry. The present proposal describes a way to synchronize databases based on mail forwarding aimed to keep the desynchronization delay less than a few minutes. Model In the current scheme the user mails an update to the registry (the registry is known by its e-mail address). The mail is processed, a report is sent back to the user and eventually the data is registered into the database. (user) -- [e-mail] --> {Registry A Incoming Processing :: Database} <-- [Report] -- | FTP | V {Registry B :: Database} Within the proposed model the incoming Processing entity will forward a copy of the mail to the registry B's incoming Processing entity. In order to prevent a new report to be sent to the user by the registry B's process, the sender of the mail will be set to a special generic address ("dbadmin at Registry_A") which will be recognized by the registry B and won't generate a report to the sender. (user) -- [e-mail] --> {Registry A Incoming Processing :: Database} <-- [Report] -- | [e-mail/from = dbadmin at Registry_A] | V {Registry B Incoming Processing :: Database} The desynchronization delay is set to the mail forwarding time (less than a few minutes). The model is perfectly symmetric: the user can send the request to the registry B which will forward it to the registry A. (user) -- [e-mail] --> {Registry A Incoming Processing :: Database} <-- [Report] -- ^ | | [e-mail/from = dbadmin at Registry_A/B] | | V <-- [Report] -- (user) -- [e-mail] --> {Registry B Incoming Processing :: Database} Protocol Every registry keeps a list of neighbor registries to which forward a copy of every incoming mail. When receiving a mail the process checks if the sender is one of his neighbor registries. If so the report generation is turn off (this can be implemented by replacing the from address by /dev/null before passing the mail to the database processor -- dbupdate). The process creates a new header field which will contains all the registries name through where the mail was forwarded. The filed will look like: X-dbpath: dbadmin at Registry_A If this field already exists the process just adds its name to the list: X-dbpath: dbadmin at Registry_A, dbadmin at Registry_B The process forwards a copy of the mail to all neighbor registries which are not listed in the 'X-dbpath' field. By doing that the process prevents any loop in the registries configuration. The process also replaces the from/reply-to address by its own. Another email header field can be added too: if the X-dbtrace field exist then a report is sent to the user listed in the 'reply-to' field. This allow debugging of the path followed by a given mail by analyzing the from line and X-dbpath line of all report sent by the registries receiving the mail. It also gives the user a map off the topology of the registries. The model supposes that the database updates are time stamped and the database administrator can discart any out of date (older than the current last update time) request. Discussion If one of the registry is down, e-mail to that registry will be queued and resent when the registry is up again. This mechanism is inherent the the e-mail service. The dead registry will be resynchronized when coming up again. Loop are detected with the use of the X-dbpath field. User can send email to any registry with the assurance all registries will get updated. In case of intra registry backups (2 or more databases running for the same registry), the use of several MX record allows the administrator to split the load of the incoming mail between the databases backups. Moreover if one host is down the mailer can choose to send the mail to an alternative MX server. The model is completely symmetric, no database is privileged. A FTP transfer of the databases between registry once a week is still a safe way to resynchronize the databases in case of failure of the mail forwarding. During the FTP transfer e-mail update should be disabled. The present model does not deal with database queries (whois requests). -- Laurent Joncheray, E-Mail: lpj at Merit Network Inc, 4251 Plymouth Rd, Suite C, Phone: +1 (313) 936 2065 Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA Fax: +1 (313) 747 3185 "This is the end, Beautiful friend. This is the end, My only friend, the end" JM -------- Logged at Thu Mar 2 19:48:32 MET 1995 ---------
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