AS path regular expressions extension to ripe 181
Curtis Villamizar
Wed Jun 14 02:41:46 CEST 1995
In message <9506132119.AA03624 at class.engeast>, Marten Terpstra writes: > > > * The following three <extended routing policy expression> represent the sam > e > * set of routes, however the last one can be translated into a finte state > * > * 4 > * > * automota much more efficiently than the second one, and the second one can > * be translated much more efficiently than the first one: > * > * o <^AS1> OR < ^AS2> OR < ^AS3> > * > * o <^(AS1 | AS2 | AS3)> > * > * o <^[AS1 AS2 AS3]> > * > * We recommend the use of the last form whenever possible. > > Hmm, I would have picked another example here. On a specific peer, I > cannot see how accepting routes with a path that starts with 3 > different ASes can be useful. The path will always start with the > neighbor AS (unless you fiddle with the path of course). The example > would have made more sense (to me at least) if you would have used > > <AS1$> OR <AS2$> OR <AS3$> -> <(AS1 | AS2 | AS3)$> -> <[AS1 AS2 AS3]$> > > -Marten Cengiz, Nice work. Marten, This example makes a lot more sense on an extended-as-out line. In fact it looks really familiar for some reason. Spooky isn't it. :-) Curtis ps - try "whois -h -s anstest as690". After reading the above (Cenzig's original note), I need to add a lot of as-out lines with "ANY" to allow tools that don't understand this to get the approximation Cengiz referred to. This is a really big object, so don't hold your breath after you type the whois command. pps- I used ei, eo, ie, oe, for extended-as-in, extended-as-out, extended-interas-in, extended-interas-out in the RIPE conf file. Did anyone else chose differently? Or did I miss this in the document? -------- Logged at Thu Jun 15 19:10:33 MET DST 1995 ---------
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