Special ftp access for IRR?
bmanning at ISI.EDU
Tue Feb 28 17:11:07 CET 1995
> > The medium term soloution as discussed in San Jose: > > Update arrives. > > If not the proper server, forward it there. > Oh yeah, I forgot this one too. There is the small problem in the US where people are being asked to register in multiple .db's since they have several connections and the various providers can't or won't trust the "other guy". MCI has the policy that you must register in their .db. It will be interesting to see how this plays when/if MCI enters the Euro market. Then their clients will need to register in the RIPE.db and the MCI.db, just they way they are asked to in the US. The point being that folks can and will register in multiple .db's. This seems to indicate that a bit more thought will need to be expended on the first steps as indicated above. --bill -------- Logged at Tue Feb 28 17:26:17 MET 1995 ---------
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