Draft of RIPE81++
Tony Bates
Wed Sep 7 01:08:11 CEST 1994
Marten Terpstra <Marten.Terpstra at ripe.net> writes: * * * Hold on, what is the point of a routing registry if you are not * convinced people will update the information? If one cannot convince * people to keep the routing registry up to date (ie if you do not give * them an incentive to keep it up to date) the routing registry is * useless. Partly correct information is worse than no information at * all. If you think this is true for the peer router, isn't this true * for any information people put in? The idea is that people work from * the routing registry to a configuration and not vice versa. This is * the only real incentive you can give people. * RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT !!!! Are we just dreaming of an RR utopia - I hope so. Marten articulates the point very well. Sometimes we need to force the use of the registry for what we want the registry to do. * But, let's not start a discussion on this, let's concentrate on the * things that need a decision. I just think that arguing that people * will not update the information is the wrong reason to have something * mandatory or optional. * Agreed. * * See you all in Lisbon. * * --Elise * * You should probably send in a registration form.... * Yep - we haven't got one yet (dont forget to send template to meeting at ripe.net). --Tony -------- Logged at Wed Sep 7 01:29:34 MET DST 1994 ---------
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