Implementation of RIPE-181++
Tony Bates
Tue Sep 27 14:45:47 CET 1994
Elise Gerich <epg at> writes: * Oh well, Laurent has been beating me up because I did not include * an algorithim. * * So based on the text expressed in my previous message, * * If you want to generate a net list for AS1 at nap3, then: * * If there is an an as-in statement for AS2 and there is an interas-in * statement for the session between AS1 and AS2 at NAP 3 * (i.e aut-num: as1 * as-in: from as2 accept as100 OR {} * interas-in: from as2 L3 R3 accept as100 or {}) * then list all of the nets in interas-in expression after the keyword accept * . * * If there is an an as-in statement for AS2 and there is no interas-in * statement for the session between AS1 and AS2 at NAP3 * (i.e. aut-num: as1 * as-in: from as2 accept as100 OR {} * interas-in: from as2 L1 R1 accept as100) * then list all of the nets in the as-in expression. * * Ifthere is not an as-in statement for AS2 and there is * an interas-in statement for the session between AS1 * and AS2 at NAP 3 * (i.e. interas-in: from as2 L3 R3 accept as100 or {}) * then you have an error. * --Elise This is correct and what I had said in words before I believe. The tricky bit and something I am going to try to add into RIPE-81++ is some text descibing the interaction a little better and making sure no ambiguity is there. I will try to do this later today and send that prtion of the text. --Tony. -------- Logged at Thu Sep 29 18:09:23 MET 1994 ---------
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