Implementation of RIPE-181++
Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Thu Sep 22 19:02:44 CEST 1994
Tony Bates (Tony.Bates at on September 22: > 3) You have something like AS granularity in as-in and some network > granularity in interas-in. i.e. > > as-in: ASX 100 AS2 > interas-in: ASX a b blah {} > interas-in: ASX c d blah {} > > You must always apply rule 1 above. First make sure and > are in AS2, otherwise they are not accepted. If they are > then make list such that 15 is best a-b anf 10 best c-d and the rest > of AS2 is equal through both links. Wanted to clarify two points: 1) {} is not accepted at all on (c d). {} is not accepted at all on (a b). (You used "15 is best a-b" which does not explicitly say it is not accepted on c-d). 2) If there was a third link (e, f) for which there is no interas-in line. The policies for that link is: networks in AS2 setminus {} setminus {} Just wanted to make sure. I think this complicated interaction of as-in and interas-in will be confused by a lot of people. Luckily only few and hopefully more knowledgable people will actually specify these. Cengiz -- Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute cengiz at University of Southern California -------- Logged at Thu Sep 22 19:12:48 MET DST 1994 ---------
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