Implementation of RIPE-181++ (fwd)
Laurent Joncheray
Tue Sep 20 17:08:27 CEST 1994
> I think this can be done by calculating the intersection between the > various expressions. > > My solution can (with the above in mind) even be written as: > > aut-num: AS1 > as-in: AS2 100 AS100 OR {} > interas-in: AS2 as1nap3 as2nap3 {} I like that one. Shorter than your previous solution. What about the algorithm? what i like to see is something like: How to generate the net list for AS1 at napX: If there is a interas-in statment for AS1-AS2 link at napX then list all nets in the policy expression (the stuff after the 'aacept' keyword) If there is no interas-in statment but an as-in statment for AS1-AS2 policy then list all nets in the policy expression. If there is no interas-in statment and no as-in statment then ERROR! If there is an interas-in statment and no as-in statment then ERROR! (syntax error) etc... Remark: this algorithm does not work with the solution you proposed. -- Laurent Joncheray, E-Mail: lpj at Merit Network Inc, 1071 Beal Avenue, Phone: +1 (313) 936 2065 Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Fax: +1 (313) 747 3745 "This is the end, Beautiful friend. This is the end, My only friend, the end" JM -------- Logged at Tue Sep 20 17:50:34 MET DST 1994 ---------
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