Implementation of RIPE-181++ (fwd)
Marten Terpstra
Tue Sep 20 16:38:17 CEST 1994
[Laurent] * > Every net listed in interas-in should be in as-in also. Your nacr will * > be rejected. * > what about the algorithm? * > * > Laurent [Andy] * > > aut-num: AS1 * > > interas-in: from AS2 accept <metric> AS2 * > > interas-in: from AS2 accept <metric> AS2 * > > interas-in: from AS2 accept <metric> AS2 AND { * 10/8} At this point I am totally lost. My solution was: aut-num: AS1 as-in: AS2 100 AS100 OR {} interas-in: AS2 as1nap1 as2nap1 AS100 interas-in: AS2 as1nap2 as2nap2 AS100 interas-in: AS2 as1nap3 as2nap3 AS100 OR {} All nets listed in interas-in are listed in as-in. The as-in is simply a rewrite of: (AS100) OR (AS100) OR (AS100 OR {}) (which is all interas-in expressions OR'ed together, the global policy is the union of all local policies....) The algorithm is easy (for any of the above policy expressions). For every net/route found in the database, check whether the match the boolean policy expression. So, in the as-in or nap3 interas-in case they would have an origin of AS100 or they would have to be route This is no different than any policy expression. I still do not see the difficulty..... -Marten -------- Logged at Tue Sep 20 16:46:10 MET DST 1994 ---------
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