Implementation of RIPE-181++
Marten Terpstra
Tue Sep 20 16:26:29 CEST 1994
* Couldn't you express this with the interas-in attribute? Yes. * Then wouldn't the policy be... * * aut-num: AS1 * interas-in: from AS2 accept <metric> AS2 * interas-in: from AS2 accept <metric> AS2 * interas-in: from AS2 accept <metric> AS2 AND {10/8 * } Careful with the AND and OR here. AND is a boolean AND, OR a boolen OR. Ie, your last interas-in line will only accept 10/8 if it is in AS2 (the example said AS100 but that does not matter). If you want AS2 and 10/8 and you do not care what AS 10/8 is in, this should be an OR (see my previous mail). -Marten PS Does this mean lpj owes me a beer yet ;-? -------- Logged at Tue Sep 20 16:38:33 MET DST 1994 ---------
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