Diagnostics from 181 analysis tool
Dale S. Johnson
Thu Oct 27 15:14:13 CET 1994
>From the text description of the Route Object (ripe-181 5. p12): "Special cases: There can only be a single orginating AS in each route object. However in today's Internet sometimes a route is injected by more than one AS. This situation is potentially dangerous as it can create conflicting routing policies for that route and requires coordination between the originating ASes. In the routing registry this is represented by multiple route objects. This is a departure from the one route (net), one AS principle of the RIPE-81 routing registry. The consequences for the different tools based in the routing registry will need to be evaluated and possibly additional consistency checking of the database is needed." As far as I have been able to figure (and I've raised this before on this list) there are only three situations where a single Route will be mapped to more than one AS: 1) A Proxy Aggregate is being created simultaneously by too peers of an AS or of a region. 2) One (or more) of the "identical" aggregates is marked "withdrawn" (e.g. something once announced by ASX has moved to ASY; ASX continues to register it with the "withdrawn" attribute for historical documentation.) 3) There is a detectable mistake in the database (not entirely unlikely while we work out the complications of multiple geographically dispersed portions of the Global Routing Registry). Can we all agree that "withdrawn" routes should be specifically excluded from all normal policy analysis and configuration file generation? That eliminates condition #2. I think we should also eliminate consideration of #3: This kind of problem needs to be solved, but not by the analysis tools or config file generators. That leaves only condition #1: dual proxy aggregation. Assume ASA and ASB are creating proxy aggregate P for their neighbor ASC. Any policy specifying "ASA OR ASB" will get P. Any policy specifying "NOT( ASA OR ASB )" will not get P. Neither of these cases is troublesome. Any policy specifying "ASA AND ASB" will select *only* those Proxy Aggregates being created by both ASA and ASB. Any policy specifying "ASA AND NOT ASB" will select ASA, setminus the shared proxy aggregate P. These are *only* useful when someone specifically wants to detect the situation of dual proxy aggregation, and to tailor his policy around that situation. Proposal: --------- How about if we keep the problem of Dual Proxy Aggregation in mind, and prepare to change our code to deal with it sometime in the future when we figure out what is really needed to handle it. But for the time being, unless somebody can find holes in the arguments above, I'd say we continue to code config file generators (and Route Servers) assuming that users will either be willing to accept *all* versions of a Proxy Aggregate, or that they will want none of them. We can even detect the few expressions that are probably empty (ASA AND ASanything_else) and issue warnings. We *do* need options in the parser to handle these cases, so we can do analysis on them later. But for the normal applications lets postpone this complicating factor, and support a level of analysis where ASA AND ASB --> NULL. Have I goofed in this analysis? --Dale =========================================================================== > > Marten Terpstra (Marten.Terpstra at ripe.net) on October 25: > > > > * > I have partially tested the partial evaluator. > > * > Remember the examples which I picked from Ripe database with ambiguous > > * > use of AND/OR/NOT. > > * > Here are the results of partial evaluation on these examples: > > * > > > * > peval NOT AS1729 AS1741 AS1755 > > * > Evaluates to: > > * > (NOT(1729 )) > > > > Well, I do not know. Doesn't this say: > > > > AS1741 OR AS1755 OR NOT AS1729 > > > > In which case the OR NOT AS1729 is superfluous ... > > My first thoughts: > Actually AS1741 and AS1755 are superfluous since they are included in > NOT AS1729 (see the example in Ripe-181). > > My second thoughts after your explanation for "AND": > "AS1741 OR AS1755 OR NOT AS1729" can not be further simplified because > either "AS1741 AND AS1729" or "AS1755 AND AS1729" may be non-empty. > > Hence the example in Ripe-181 is wrong. > I think when Tony wrote that text, the route-AS relation was still many > to 1. > > > > > * > peval NOT \(AS701 AND AS174 AND AS1133 AND AS1800 AND AS2044\) > > * > Evaluates to: > > * > ANY > > > > Not true. What f there is a route orginating in all these ASes? It > > should be denied ..... > > You are right. That is "AS701 AND AS174" may not be empty since the > route-AS relation is now many to many (i.e. a route may belong to more > than one AS). > > Actually I was under the impression that a route belonged to one AS > till last Sunday when I talk to Dale and Rick on this. Dale told me > that new text was added recently for this. And I have been reading only > the appendices in the last few versions of Ripe-181. > > peval can handle this form of evaluation as well. We will evaluate > ASnumbers symbolicly (just like macros and community names) until > level 4 where everything become network lists. > > Thanks, > > Cengiz > > -- > Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute > cengiz at isi.edu University of Southern California > > -------- Logged at Thu Oct 27 22:31:39 MET 1994 ---------
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